
Kali Linux Tutorial - Aircrack NGUI

Aircrack NGUI

Introduction To Aircrack NGUI

What Is It ?

Aircrack-NGUI is a combination of the words “Aircrack-NG” and “GUI”. In short, it’s a program written in Java that provides a graphical interface to many hacking tools available for the GNU/Linux operating system. At the core of these tools lie the Aircrack-NG suite (airodump-ng, aircrack-ng, aireplay-ng, etc.), Nmap or Network Map, and the Dsniff suite (arpspoof, dsniff, mailsnarf, urlsnarf, etc.)
Aircrack-NGUI was designed for people who either aren’t very skilled when it comes to using the terminal or those who don’t type very fast but still want to hack quickly. The developer of Aircrack-NGUI also has plans for it to be a learning and scripting tool, so that you can perform your hacking in the program but then save the program calls and arguments it uses to a text file for you to review and learn from or convert to a script.

Tools Needed:

  • Distribution Of Linux (Ubuntu, Kali etc)
  • Aircrack NGUI Found Here

Why Should You Use Aircrack NGUI?:

Aircrack-NGUI provides many benefits to hackers, not just from its graphical nature. It allows you to save commonly used “profiles” in the program so you can save configurations and pull them up quickly. For example, on the Discover Networks screen, you can have a profile for capturing WEP network information.
Whenever you need to capture, you can select the profile instead of remembering all of the arguments that you need to set. Also, NGUI is really proficient at sending information from screen to screen. If you want to de-authenticate client computers on a network using airodump-ng (find the network) and aireplay-ng (attack the network), you can use the Discover Networks screen to find the network, right-click the network in question, and click “De-authenticate” and it will load a Replay/Inject Packets screen with the right information populated.
So it’s select, right-click, attack, GO. The need for copying and pasting has been minimized as much as possible within the program. Finally, you get the comfort of a graphical interface behind you. Many hackers enjoy the terminal because it lets them choose exactly what they want and is customizable. The problem is that many non-hackers will view the terminal (black box, white text) as hacking and might report you just for having that magical box open. Not many users question a GUI, no matter if they know what it does or not.

How do I use Aircrack-NGUI ?

In order to use Aircrack-NGUI, you must first be running a Linux-based operating system. This includes (but is not limited to) Ubuntu (and all of its varients), Fedora, BackTrack 5, and Kali. (Note: Compatibility with Kali has not been tested yet. Try with caution.) It doesn’t matter if you’re running it on your hard disk or from a LiveCD. Once you have your Linux system loaded, go to the link above and click on the Downloads tab. Download the first zip file in the list and extract it to one of your folders. Open up a terminal and change into the directory with the extracted files. From there, type:

In Ubuntu:
sudo java -jar AircrackNGUI.jar

In Fedora:
su -c ‘java -jar AircrackNGUI.jar’

In BackTrack 5/Kali:
java -jar AircrackNGUI.jar

You will need the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed in order to run the software. From there, the program will launch and display the following :

This is the main window of Aircrack-NGUI. The menus at the top allow you to select which tool you want to use. A list of your registered network devices will appear on the left-side of the screen. If you select a device, its information will appear on the right. If you click on a setting title, it will prompt you to change it. You can also copy the values to your clipboard using the Copy To Clipboard dropdown.
You can save your configuration settings to a file using the “Save to Config…” button. Finally, to create a virtual monitor mode interface click “Create Monitor Interface” (requires aircrack-ng installed and configured!). To destroy a monitor-mode interface, click “Destroy Monitor Interface”.
(Shown Below)


From this point, you have the program setup and hardware configured for some wireless destruction! Here’s a breakdown of your different options:
  • Discover->Discover Networks: Combines airodump-ng and wash to find wireless networks and which ones are vulnerable for WPS pin guessing (used alongside Reaver).
  • Discover->Discover Hosts: Allows you to scan a network or a specific IP for open ports and networking information.
  • Discover->Graph Network: Create a graphical representation of a network using airgraph-ng.
  • Discover->WPA Dictionary: Create a dictionary to speed up the cracking of WPA handshakes
Greyed-out menu options mean that you don’t have the appropriate programs installed to use the feature, or the feature hasn’t been developed yet (most of these are under the Other Tools dropdown). If you have a program installed but it’s greyed out, use the Settings page (Setup->Settings)


If you’re using BackTrack 5, click the “Default BT5 Settings” button and the settings will auto-populate to match that configuration. If you’re on another system, you’ll need to set the settings yourself. If you added the program to your path variable leave it at “IN PATH”. If it’s in a specific directory, change it to “DIRECTORY” and a textbox will appear for you to provide the path. Once you have your settings configured, click “Save”.
Click on Setup->Network Devices to configure your hardware for hacking.
  • Attack->Replay/Inject Packets: Send packets to routers to force them to spill the goods!
  • Attack->Crack WEP/WPA Key: Take captured network information to find the password to a network
  • Attack->Forge Packets: Create new packets from packets captured
  • Attack->ARP Poison Routing: Perform a man-in-the-middle attack with ease using arpspoof
  • Attack->Sniff Passwords: Sniff passwords from a victim machine from a man-in-the-middle attack.
And that’s just the beginning! There are more tools available under the Other Tools dropdown and in context menus of the above listed features.


Aircrack-NGUI is a great tool for those who need an inconspicuous, fast tool with lots of room for learning and improvement. Not to mention, it’s free to use and re-distribute! If you have a recommendation for the writer, feel free to create an Issue on his Bitbucket repository page.
Thanks for reading, don’t be evil!

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